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  • One Careful Owner in english

    I have long been a fan of this writer because she simply knows how to use controversial themes by mixing them with romance, suspense, effect phrases and many, but many hot scenes, and the best without too much drama. It has a magical power to present our prejudices and deconstruct first impressions. Aside from the fact that usually her finals are always tightly tied, she can unveil everything and features a well-assembled puzzle with no loose ends. Great  !!!!!

    In One Careful Owner, it was not any different. She again presents the wounds, shortcomings, and qualities of a small town as she stumbles upon the unknown and mysterious Alex, a guy who buys a secluded cabin in the middle of the forest near a lake.

    "The lake was shining in the sun, waves were streaming against the banks of the river, the bright blue sky was cloudless and a soft breeze blew from the tops of the trees, all very beautiful, tranquil and strangely reassuring."

    Halfway through the book, we have Dawn's narration and some excerpts from Stan's narration. She is a 34-year-old single mother who has locked herself in her shell thanks to the city's endless gossip to protect her 8-year-old daughter Katie, a fun and talkative girl, from whom she is dedicated and  she cares for her profession like veterinary. Thanks to this profession she meets the quiet and strange Alex, just arrived in town looking for the clinic where she works to treat his dog Stan. Yes, you did not read wrong ... This same one that I said up there narrates some moments with its owner and shows all the affection and admiration that has for him.
    Dawn soon feels attracted to all the kindness and care of Alex, even with all his appearance of Men of the Mountains, with the enormous hair and the bigger beard, still has with his dog.

    Soon the gossip begins to run through the city and the withdrawn Dawn is faced with a stalemate:
    Does she believe in what  hear or trust in the love that she and her daughter quickly feel for the newly arrived couple?
    Which is actually quite contradictory, isn't it? Since she knows very well because of her past what it is to suffer because of gossip. What irritated me deeply, there were moments when I felt like going inside the pages and giving a good beating to the creature. She did not look for Alex to know what was really happening, she simply believed and walked away.

    As the story progressed, the situation began to change and I began to identify  myself with Dawn. I do not know as if I am a mother, but I began to see that I would act just as reluctantly as she did. And it was at this moment that Jane Harvey-Berrick masterfully started Alex's narration, making me wear the shirt of this couple and come out cheering for them with a big megaphone so that everything would be resolved in the best way possible.

    The book is wonderful, bringing a dramatic and tragic story of love, not only love between people but between people and their pets and between people and their cause, their reason to live.

    It shows Alex's struggle to overcome his traumas, his addictions and his pains.
    It shows Dawn's struggle to overcome her fears and trust in the greatest gift she could have received in life.
    It shows how we should learn to ask and listen before we weave our opinions.

    In addition to this, it still has the strong presence of the dog Stan (almost a Lassie), Katie (who is an enthralling child ), Stella ,Dawn's sister ( and for me a great character and a fantastic friend), Sheriff Dan (Which helps to confuse Dawn's mind) and of course the villain of  the story Charlotte.

    The cover at the beginning I found strange, but then I realized that both its and the title have everything to do with the plot and were very well chosen.

    What also I found beautiful was the choice of the name of the protagonist because dawn is a beautiful moment of the day, full of hopes and colors . After a dark night   full of pain, there is always a new dawn full of possibilities after all .....

    When men close a door, God always opens a window.

    All we have to do is look at it, look out of our shell and see we have another day to move on.

    6/5 stars.
    Kisses, Myl

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