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    Off the Air #ARC Review

    Off the Air (Running on Air Book 1) cover

    Spending a month filming a reality TV show with your ex is no picnic.

    Especially when you’ve signed a contract stating that the two of you will not, under any circumstances, have romantic relations while filming.

    Leanne Simmons and Callum Davidson never had an easy relationship. From enemies to lovers and back to enemies, they’ve been on again/off again for years. Things come to a head when Callum gets into an altercation with a rival for Leanne’s affections. Their management decide enough is enough and give them both an ultimatum: sign the contract or leave the show.

    Unwilling to give up their livelihoods, Callum and Leanne sign on the dotted line. However, like always, they can’t resist making a bet. Callum thinks it’s only a matter of time before they break the agreement, while Leanne is determined to see it through.

    Can she resist him for an entire month without losing her sanity? And what if this is the one bet that finally breaks them both?

    Off the Air is a contemporary romance and Book One in L.H. Cosway’s brand new “Running on Air” Series. Each book focuses on a different couple and can be read as a standalone.


    " Like you're his everything."

    I met this couple in Hearts on Air, I fell in love a little more in Air Kiss and now I had a chance to fall  completely in love with Cal. Cal is a temperamental, strong, determined guy who cares for his mother very fondly and is uncontrollably in love with Leanne, but their relationship is very complicated, a real Push and Pull.

    After involving Leanne in a very big mess, these two will need to accept the limits imposed by the reality show producers they are part  if they want to continue in the attraction. For Leanne it is simple since she finds their relationship toxic but for Cal it will be very complicated since he wants to win back the girl.

    Between radical maneuvers, tensions, many fights, and taunts, Cal will be proving his worth to Leanne. It is beautiful to watch as he tries, even though in the wrong way sometimes, show the girl that he is worth the risk and that together they form a strong parkour pair in tune.

    Leanne still has not recovered from the loss she has suffered and still blames herself for what has happened and ends up taking Cal out of her life when they most needed each other's support. In many moments I was irritated with her and how she ended up pushing the right buttons to provoke Cal's jealousy and fights.

    Narrated in the first person, alternately between Leanne and Cal between past and present, L.H. Cosway shows all the moments lived by this couple. A book about mourning, second chances, persistence and true love.

    I loved Cal's mum, the new parkour scenes and see again the other members of the group, especially Paul and Trev. Now I'm anxious for the next books in the series.
    4/5 stars


    Conheci este casal em Hearts on Air, me apaixonei mais um pouco em Air Kiss e agora tive a chance de cair de amores por Cal . Cal é um rapaz temperamental, forte , decidido, que cuida da mãe com muito carinho e é incontrolavelmente apaixonado por Leanne, mas o relacionamento deles é muito complicado , um verdadeiro Push and Pull. 

    Depois de envolver Leanne em uma confusão muito grande, os dois precisarão aceitar os limites impostos pelos produtores do reality show de que fazem parte se quiserem continuar na atração. Para Leanne é simples já que ela acha o relacionamento deles toxico mas para Cal será bem complicado já que ele quer reconquistar a garota.

    Entre manobras radicais, tensões, muitas brigas e provocações , Cal vai provando seu valor para Leanne. É lindo acompanhar como ele tenta mesmo que da forma errada algumas vezes mostrar à garota que vale o risco e que juntos formam uma dupla forte e em sintonia.

    Leanne ainda não se recuperou da perda que sofreu e ainda se culpa pelo que ocorreu e acaba por afastar Cal de sua vida no momento em que eles mais precisavam do suporte um do outro. Em muitos momentos fiquei irritada com ela e como  acabava apertando os botões certos para provocar os ciúmes e brigas de Cal.

    Narrado em primeira pessoa, alternadamente entre Leanne e Cal  entre passado e presente, L.H. Cosway mostra todos os momentos vividos por este casal. Um livro sobre luto, segundas chances e persistência.

    Adorei as novas cenas de parkour, rever os outros membros do grupo, principalmente Paul e Trev e estou ansiosa pelos próximos livros da série.

    4/5 estrelas 

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