A Five-Minute Life #ARC Review
amor verdadeiro,
arc review,
Emma Scott,
true love
Remember us...when I can't.
Thea Hughes has five minutes to live.
A car accident stole her parents and left her with the second-worst documented case of amnesia in the world. She now has only minutes of experiences, of consciousness, of life…before her memory is wiped clean. The once effervescent artist with a promising future is reduced to scribbling with pens and paper, living an empty, quiet life, three hundred seconds at a time.
Jim Whelan is on autopilot.
A foster kid shuffled around the system since birth, he’s lived his entire life without knowing love…and it’s taken its toll—until he learned to fight back, carry his armor, and keep his head down.
Working as an orderly in the Blue Ridge Sanitarium, deep in Virginia countryside, Jim looked up…and found Thea.
When Thea has the chance to break free of her five-minute prison with a risky, experimental surgery, it could lead them both to an epic love they never thought possible… or one that could require the ultimate sacrifice.
50 First Dates meets Awakenings in this emotional love story by international and best-selling author, Emma Scott.
A Five-Minute life contains subject matter that might be sensitive to some readers.
" Thea was down in the dark, but I was down there with her."
Another beautiful and exciting love story of Emma Scott. This time, she not only ripped my heart out of her chest but crushed it right in front of me without mercy or pity. OMG OMG OMG
Thea is a light and free spirit who has a quiet life with her loving parents and her serious and controlling sister. A situation causes a turn-around in her plans and she now needs to get by with her mind stuck in amnesia with only five minutes of memory. She'd forgotten almost everything about her life. Without past and without future, she seems to veg in time. Until Jim comes into her life.
Jim is an orphaned and stuttering boy who has suffered all and a little more from the stutter and dysfunctional foster homes he has been through. When he turns eighteen, he leaves everything behind and goes on with his life, struggling to get a job where his stuttering is not considered a problem. That's how he knows Thea. They two have a quick connection because Jim sees beyond five minutes of her, he sees a Thea trapped in the nightmare of a defective brain that keeps her refem.
Thanks to the signs that Thea's mind gives to Jim, he can help his friend and there begins a dilemma about the consequences and inconsequences of her personality that comes back to life and the fact that her sister does not want Jim to be close to Thea.
As always, Emma Scott manages to create a different plot with strong and suffering characters, full of symbologies and phrases of effect and a breathtaking storyline. She used a lot of the poetic license in my opinion because Thea's problem is very serious that at various times I wondered if everything would turn out well, because Emma loves happy endings and I could not see a light at the end of this tunnel. But...
Throughout the story I realized how she really wanted to show Thea that even in her limitation she had to think more about her attitudes rather than just wanting to live crazyly. It was passionate to keep up with Jim's growth and especially Thea as well as the way Emma managed to create a "villain" who, as she said herself, looked like a fairy-tale villain.
The book is divided into three parts with a prologue and two great epilogues to close the story with a golden key and many sighs. Narrated in first person by each one of the protagonists, I plunged deep in the mind of each of them and I saw myself total, completely and madly in love.
5/5 stars
Mais uma linda e emocionante história de amor de Emma Scott. Dessa vez, ela não só arrancou meu coração do peito como o esmagou bem ali na minha frente sem dó nem piedade.
Thea é um espírito leve e livre que tem uma vida tranquila com seus pais amorosos e sua irmã séria e controladora. Uma situação provoca uma revira-volta em seus planos e ela agora precisa conviver com sua mente presa em apenas cinco minutos de memória. Ela esqueceu quase tudo de sua vida. Sem passado e sem futuro ,ela parece vegetar no tempo. Até que Jim surge em sua vida.
Jim é um rapaz órfão e gago que sofreu tudo e mais um pouco por causa da gagueira e dos lares disfuncionais foster por onde passou. Ao completar dezoito anos, ele deixa tudo para trás e vai seguir em frente com sua vida, batalhando para conseguir um emprego com sua gagueira não seja considerada um problema.É assim que conhece Thea. Os dois tem uma conexão rápida pois Jim vê além dos cinco minutos dela , ele vê uma Thea presa no pesadelo de um cérebro defeituoso que a mantem refem.
Graças a sinais que a mente de Thea dá Jim consegue ajudar a amiga e ai começa todo um dilema sobre as consequências e inconsequências da personalidade dela que volta à vida e ao fato de que a irmã dela não quer de jeito nenhum que Jim fique perto de Thea.
Como sempre, Emma Scott consegue criar uma trama diferente com personagens sofridos e fortes, repleta de simbologias e frases de efeito e com um enredo de tirar o fôlego. Ela usou muito da licença poética a meu ver pois o problema de Thea é bem sério que em vários momentos eu fiquei me perguntando se tudo iria acabar bem ,pois Emma adora finais felizes e eu não conseguia ver uma luz no fim deste túnel.
No decorrer da história fui percebendo como ela queria na verdade mostrar a Thea que mesmo na sua limitação ela devia ponderar mais sobre suas atitudes ao invés de só querer viver a vida adoidado. Foi apaixonante acompanhar o crescimento de Jim e principalmente de Thea além da forma como Emma conseguiu criar um " vilão" que como ela mesmo disse parecia um vilão de conto de fadas.
O livro é dividido em três partes com um prólogo e dois epílogos bem lindos para fechar a história com chave de ouro e muitos suspiros. Narrado em primeira pessoa por cada um dos protagonistas, mergulhei fundo na mente de cada um deles e me vi total, completa e loucamente apaixonada.
5/5 estrelas
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