Lost and Found #ARC Review

What might have been? That tantalizing question propels a woman on a cross-country adventure to reunite with the men she loved and let go, in Danielle Steel’s exhilarating new novel.
It all starts with a fall from a ladder, in a firehouse in New York City. The firehouse has been converted into a unique Manhattan home and studio where renowned photographer Madison Allen works and lives after raising three children on her own. But the accident, which happens while Maddie is sorting through long-forgotten personal mementos and photos, results in more than a broken ankle. It changes her life.
Spurred by old memories, the forced pause in her demanding schedule, and an argument with her daughter that leads to a rare crisis of confidence, Maddie embarks on a road trip. She hopes to answer questions about the men she loved and might have married—but didn’t—in the years after she was left alone with three young children. Wearing a cast and driving a rented SUV, she sets off to reconnect with three very different men—one in Boston, one in Chicago, and another in Wyoming—to know once and for all if the decisions she made long ago were the right ones. Before moving forward into the future, she is compelled to confront the past.
As the miles and days pass, and with each new encounter, Maddie’s life comes into clearer focus and a new future takes shape. A deeply felt story about love, motherhood, family, and fate, Lost and Found is an irresistible new novel from America’s most dynamic storyteller.
Third book I read of this writer and first in which
the protagonists are in their fifties. Another challenge fulfilled to get out
of my comfort zone in just reading romance and young adults .
I loved every second, every page, every moment of reflection.
Maddie is a workaholic mother of three grown
children who has always cherished her own independence and her children’s too.
Living alone in a former firestation, she finds fascinating and rewarding the
choices she made in life. When she falls down a ladder in the middle of the
night and twists her ankle, she finds herself facing loneliness and when she
hears from her daughter that she needs care because she is aging and the house
where she lives presents many dangers, she decides to run away for a while and
look for old boyfriends to know if she really made the right choices in life.
As she crosses the United States and re-encounters
people who have been important in her life, she rediscovers herself and at the
same time reconnects with her children in ways she did not imagine was still
Maddie's journey made me think at several times on
my own journey and on my mother's journey. At various times, I saw myself in
the characters and began to question my behavior. Often, we say that we need to
enjoy every second with people we love,
but we let our lives goon and on and we really do not enjoy the presence of people that much. Lost and Found brings a
touching and thrilling story about being lost and finding yourself beyond
letting yourself be found.
The bonds that are gradually being retaken in
Maddie's family show how essential in life love is either familiar or sexual. I
found it very beautiful how smooth the writer presents Maddie with a new chance
to love and to love herself and to realize that when one really is willing to
love everything is possible in this life.
It is never late to restart .
5/5 stars
Terceiro livro que leio desta escritora e primeiro em que os protagonistas estão na faixa dos cinquenta anos. Mais um desafio cumprido para sair da minha zona de conforto em só ler romance florzinha e infanto juvenis e amei cada segundo, cada página, cada momento de reflexão.
Maddie é uma workaholic ,mãe de três filhos crescidos,que sempre prezou a própria independência e a dos filhos. Morando sozinha numa antiga estação de bombeiros, ela acha fascinante e gratificante as escolhas que fez na vida. Ao cair de uma escada no meio da noite e torcer o tornozelo, ela se vê diante da solidão e ao ouvir da filha que ela precisa de cuidados pois está envelhecendo e a casa onde mora representa muitos perigos, ela decide fugir de tudo por um tempo e procurar antigos namorados para saber se realmente fez as escolhas certas na vida.
A medida que cruza os Estados Unidos e reencontra pessoas que foram importantes em sua vida, ela vai se redescobrindo e ao mesmo tempo reconectando com os filhos de uma forma que ela não imaginou que ainda fosse possível.
A jornada de Maddie me fez pensar em vários momentos na minha própria jornada e de minha mãe. Em vários momentos, me vi nos personagens e comecei a questionar meu comportamento. Muitas vezes, falamos que é preciso aproveitar cada segundo com quem amamos mas deixamos a vida nos levar e não curtimos tanto assim a presença de pessoas especias. Lost and Found traz um história tocante e emocionante sobre estar perdido e se encontrar alem de se deixar ser encontrado.
Os laços que aos poucos vão sendo retomados na família de Maddie mostram como é essencial na vida o amor seja familiar ou sexual. Achei muito bonita a forma suave como a escritora apresenta a Maddie uma nova chance de amar e se amar e de perceber que quando realmente se está disposto Tudo é possível nesta vida.
5/5 estrelas
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