Down Too Deep # ARC Review
arc review,

Two single parents and three adorable kids are about to have a summer they'll never forget in this sexy, heartwarming new novel -- for fans of Christina Lauren and Abby Jimenez.
Following the sudden death of his wife, Nathan Bell spent nearly two years burying himself in work and neglecting his biggest responsibility: his daughter. Overcome with guilt, he wants to connect with little Marley, but he doesn't know how to do it alone. And then Jenna Savage throws him a lifeline.
A single mom of twins, Jenna is more than capable of taking care of Nathan's adorable two-year-old and wants to help Nathan however she can. As the days go by and her attraction to Nathan grows, she can't help wondering what might happen if they became a family for real. And the closer everyone becomes, the more right it feels.
Falling in love forces Nathan to face his biggest fear, and when hearts -- both big and little -- are on the line, the only thing scarier than needing Jenna and her kids so much is losing them all.
Nathan is a widower who carries the blame for his wife's death. For two years he was plunged into sadness, work and drink to run away from home and memories, but when his father says he will travel and will no longer help to care for little Marley Nathan will need a lot of willpower to face the challenge of taking care of his cute daughter. Now he not only needs to learn how to take care of a two year old baby but also make her connect with him and also get someone to stay with the girl while he is working.
When Jenna first sees Marley, she soon falls in love with the little girl and Marley with Jenna. Realizing Nathan's despair and his desire to be a present father, she offers to help care for Marley along with her twins.
Olivia and Oliver are eight years old and have never met their father and both clearly demonstrate the desire to win one. Realizing the similarities between them and Nathan they begin to hope that Jenna would conquer the serious owner of Whitecaps. But that won't be easy at first because Jenna is afraid to get involved with other man and then because Nathan isn't ready to move on and make such a serious commitment .
Between parties, movies, and conversation, they will become fond of each other and see that they form a beautiful family and will have to fight their insecurities to surrender to the love that springs from so many needy hearts.
First book I read from this writer and already become a fan of her light, fun and romantic writing. I loved to follow each moment of affection between these characters and between them and the secondary characters. I loved the sensual scenes, very well fitted into the story full of passion and surrender. I loved the way Jenna knew how to impose herself at the right time and for the right reasons.
I just thought the recovery from Nathan's two years of drunkenness was a little quick after all. Good thing the writer didn't let this affect or bring sadness for the rest of the plot and I loved the reading.
5/5 stars
Nathan é um viúvo que carrega a culpa pela morte da esposa. Por dois anos, ele mergulhou na tristeza, no trabalho e na bebida para fugir de casa e das lembranças, mas quando seu pai diz que vai viajar e não vai mais ajudar a cuidar da pequena Marley Nathan vai precisar de muita força de vontade para encarar o desafio de cuidar da filha. Agora ele não só precisa aprender a cuidar de um bebê de dois anos como também fazê-la conectar com ele e de quebra arranjar alguem para ficar com a menina enquanto trabalha.
Quando por acaso Jenna vê Marley, logo se apaixona pela pequenina e ela por Jenna. Ao perceber o desespero de Nathan e o desejo dele de ser um pai presente, ela se oferece para ajudar a cuidar de Marley junto com seus filhos gêmeos.
Olívia e Oliver tem oito anos e nunca conheceram o pai e ambos demonstram claramente o desejo de conquistar um. Ao perceber as similaridades entre eles e Nathan começam a torcer para que a mãe conquiste o sério dono da Whitecaps. Porem isso não será nada fácil primeiro porque Jenna tem receio de se envolver com alguem que não aceite seus filhos e depois porque Nathan ainda não está pronto para seguir em frente e assumir um compromisso tão sério.
Entre passeios, filmes e conversas, eles vão se afeiçoando uns aos outros e formando um linda família e precisarão lutar contra suas inseguranças para se entregar ao amor que brota de tantos corações carentes.
Primeiro livro que leio desta escritora e já virei fã de sua escrita leve, divertida e romântica. Amei acompanhar cada momento de afeto e carinho entre estes personagens e entre eles e os personagens secundários. Amei demais as cenas sensuais, muito bem encaixadas na história cheias de paixão e entrega. Amei a forma como Jenna soube se impor na hora certa e pelos motivos certos
Só achei que a recuperação dos dois anos de bebedeira de Nathan foi um tanto rápido afinal ele da noite pro dia precisou parar um hábito rotineiro para cuidar de Marley. Bom que a escritora não deixou isso afetar o restante da trama e adorei a leitura.
5/5 estrelas
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