Fallen #ARC Review
Scarlett Lattimore arrives at Lilith House, an abandoned mansion built in 1876, that later housed a reform school for troubled girls, to start a new life with her seven-year-old daughter.
But between the nearby town with the strange, disconcerting feel, the deputy sheriff who is equal parts intriguing and suspicious, and the discovery that their new home holds a dark and violent past, Scarlett soon begins to question her rash decision.
She is shaken and afraid by the screams that echo in the walls and the drumbeat that arises from the surrounding woods where the ghost of an indigenous man is said to roam, seeking vengeance. Her fear is also personal, because Scarlett knew one of the girls who attended the school, a friend who escaped into those woods and was never seen again. They all thought she was a rebellious runaway who later encountered foul play, but perhaps the truth is far more sinister.
As Scarlett’s extraordinary daughter Haddie becomes consumed by the eerie figure who weaves and beckons through the forest fog, and a legacy of secrets reveal themselves, it becomes clear both Scarlett and Haddie are in grave danger. When the past intersects with the present, they will come face to face with the true evil of Lilith House. An evil that has lasted for more than a century.
Anyone who knows me knows that I even read Mia Sheridan's market list ... and it's not a lie because only she makes me read thrillers with so many triggers. I confess that I found this one lighter than her previous book Where the Truth Lives.
Fallen is the story of Lilith House, an abandoned and dilapidated house whose walls have witnessed inimitable horrors and now it belongs to the sweet single mother Scarlett. She, tired of the life she lived in Los Angeles, decides to drop everything and start her own business in a small town close to LA. She just couldn't imagine the turn her life would take when she set foot on the sinister property and met the serious deputy Camden.
Camden tells her all the tragic legends that revolve around the place and Scarlett begins to experience unusual and strange situations. Her seven-year-old daughter, Haddie, feels a very strong attraction for the forest that borders the back of the house and gradually explores the place.
This is one of those books in which we cannot tell much because any detail can be a spoiler and take all the surprise out of the plot. Even though I had some stomach upset scenes, I found myself stuck in the book and spent two sleepless nights to finish the story.
Oh my God! What a story!
The beginning is a little slow because there are many details presented between the present and the past to situate the reader with all the dramatic and tension of the book, but as everything begins to unfold I found myself increasingly haunted and enchanted by the narrative . I suspected everything and everyone, and halfway through the book I had already created some theories in my head.
I really liked how everything was presented, developed and the end was chilling. I only wished Georgia a different ending even though her story shocked me.
Everytime I read one of Mia's book I wonder what the literary reference will be used to inspire the plot and I loved her choice for this book.
5/5 stars
Quem me conhece sabe que leio até lista de mercado de Mia Sheridan ...e não é mentira pois somente ela me faz ler thrillers com muitos gatilhos. Confesso até que achei esse mais leve que o livro anterior dela Where the Truth Lives.
Fallen é a história de Lilith House, uma casa abandonada e dilapidada cujas paredes presenciaram horrores inimágináveis e que agora pertence à doce mãe solteira Scarlett. Ela cansada da vida que levava em Los Angeles resolve largar tudo e começar seu próprio negócio numa cidade pequena e misteriosa bem próxima da LA. Ela só não imaginava a revira volta que sua vida daria ao colocar os pés na sinistra propriedade e conhecesse o sisudo policial Camden.
Camden conta a ela todas as lendas trágicas que giram em torno do local e Scarlett começa a vivenciar situações inusitadas e estranhas. Sua filha de sete anos, Haddie, sente uma atração muito forte pela floresta que margeia os fundos da casa e aos poucos vai explorando o local.
Este é daquele tipo de livro em que não podemos contar muito pois qualquer detalhe a mais contado pode ser um spoiler e tirar toda a surpresa da trama. Mesmo tendo algumas cenas de embrulhar o estômago, me vi presa ao livro e passei duas noites sem dormir para terminar a história.
Meu.Deus.do.Céu! e que história!
O início é um pouco lento pois são muitos detalhes apresentados entre presente e passado pra situar o leitor à toda a carga dramática e de tensão do livro mas a medida que tudo começa a desenrolar e fazer sentido me vi cada vez mais assombrada e encantada pela narrativa. Eu suspeitava de tudo e de todos e na metade do livro já tinha criado na minha cabeça algumas teorias.
Gostei muito de como tudo foi apresentado, se desenvolvido e o final foi de arrepiar. Só desejei uma final diferente para Georgia mesmo que a história dela tenha me deixado em choque.
Eu sempre começo um livro de Mia imaginando qual será a referência literária que foi usada para inspirar a trama e adorei a escolha dela pra este livro.
5/5 estrelas