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    To Sir With Love #ARC Review


    Love Is Blind meets You’ve Got Mail in this laugh-out-loud romantic comedy following two thirty-somethings who meet on a blind dating app—only to realize that their online chemistry is nothing compared to their offline rivalry.

    Perpetually cheerful and eager to please, Gracie Cooper strives to make the best out of every situation. So when her father dies just months after a lung cancer diagnosis, she sets aside her dreams of pursuing her passion for art to take over his Midtown Manhattan champagne shop. She soon finds out that the store’s profit margins are being squeezed perilously tight, and complicating matters further, a giant corporation headed by the impossibly handsome, but irritatingly arrogant Sebastian Andrews is proposing a buyout. But Gracie can’t bear the thought of throwing away her father’s dream like she did her own.

    Overwhelmed and not wanting to admit to her friends or family that she’s having second thoughts about the shop, Gracie seeks advice and solace from someone she’s never met—the faceless “Sir”, with whom she connected on a blind dating app where matches get to know each other through messages and common interests before exchanging real names or photos.

    But although Gracie finds herself slowly falling for Sir online, she has no idea she’s already met him in real life…and they can’t stand each other.


    I love Lauren Layne's light writing and To Sir with Love was no different, she created a cute and sighing plot with fun characters and a mega romantic and dreamy protagonist.

    Gracie left her dream of going to art school and took over her family's Champagne shop after her father's death. She struggles a lot to keep everything in the best shape but has noticed that things have not been going as she expected. Her brother is still distant and her sister is going through some little problems with her husband and none of them imagine that she needs help, since she hides everything that is happening with the store.

    Her love life is not the best either and entering a dating app, she meets a man who seems to be her dream come true at least virtually and begins to open her heart to him in exchange for messages that leave her more and more sure he's the perfect guy for her. But life is not so simple and she ends up having to face new conflicting feelings about the store, her family and her love life.

    The secondary characters are the icing on the cake in the plot and the exchange of emails between the protagonists that opens each chapter gives us the right amount of tension to prepare us for what lies ahead. Between tours of New York, cooking class and family lunches, Gracie will need all the strength she has to find out what she really wants in life and fight for her dreams and for her dream man.

    I loved the story's inspiration so much and Lauren Layne made me glued to the book for hours, devouring each page to find out how it would all end up and  also created such a cute ending that I went back to read it again and again  four  times. I would love for this cute love story to turn into a movie.

    5/5 stars


    Eu amo a escrita leve  de Lauren Layne e com To Sir with Love não foi diferente, ela criou uma trama fofa e suspirante com personagens divertidos  e uma protagonista mega romântica e sonhadora.

    Gracie deixou seu sonho de fazer escola de arte e assumiu a loja de Champagne da família depois da morte do pai. Ela batalha muito para manter tudo da melhor forma mas tem notado que as coisas não tem acontecido como ela esperava. O irmão continua distante e a irmã está passando por alguns probleminhas com o marido e nenhuma deles imagina que ela precise de ajuda, já que ela disfarça direitinho tudo que está acontecendo com a loja. 

    Mas sua vida amorosa também não está das melhores e o entrar num aplicativo de namoro, ela conhece um homem que parece ser o sonho dela tornado realidade virtual ao menos e começa a abrir o coração para ele em troca de mensagens que a deixa cada vez mais certa de que ele é o cara perfeito pra ela.  Porém a vida não é tão simples e ela acaba tendo que enfrentar novos sentimentos conflitantes em relação à loja, à família e ao seu amor. 

    Os personagens secundários são a cereja do bolo na trama e a troca de emails entre os protagonistas que abre cada capítulo dá a dose certa de tensão para preparar a gente para o que vem pela frente. Entre passeios por Nova York, aula de culinária e almoços em família, Gracie vai precisar de toda a força que tem para descobrir o que realmente quer da vida e lutar pelos seus sonhos e por seu homem dos sonhos.

    Amei demais a inspiração da história e Lauren Layne me fez ficar grudada ao livro por horas ,devorando cada página para descobrir como tudo iria terminar e criou um final tão lindinho que voltei para ler mais umas quatro vezes. 

    5/5 estrelas

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