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    The Matzah Ball #ARC Review


    Rachel Rubenstein-Goldblatt is a nice Jewish girl with a shameful secret: she loves Christmas. For a decade she’s hidden her career as a Christmas romance novelist from her family. Her talent has made her a bestseller even as her chronic illness has always kept the kind of love she writes about out of reach.

    But when her diversity-conscious publisher insists she write a Hanukkah romance, her well of inspiration suddenly runs dry. Hanukkah’s not magical. It’s not merry. It’s not Christmas. Desperate not to lose her contract, Rachel’s determined to find her muse at the Matzah Ball, a Jewish music celebration on the last night of Hanukkah, even if it means working with her summer camp archenemy—Jacob Greenberg.

    Though Rachel and Jacob haven’t seen each other since they were kids, their grudge still glows brighter than a menorah. But as they spend more time together, Rachel finds herself drawn to Hanukkah—and Jacob—in a way she never expected. Maybe this holiday of lights will be the spark she needed to set her heart ablaze.


    I confess that I took this book out of curiosity to read something set in Jewish traditions. Accustomed to Christian novels and those without a specific religion, I also wanted to live this new experience and... OMG  I fell in love.

    Rachel and Jacob have a very unresolved story in the past when they were teenagers and went on camp together and had remarkable experiences. Now in the present, Jacob reappears in the life of sweet, kind and resolute Rachel and has no idea he's going to turn their world upside down.

    Together they will need to organize a gala and this rapprochement will bring out past hurts and new feelings that both will need to discover whether they want to live or not.

    I thought the story was super cute, I fell in love with the author's writing and became her fan... I want to read everything about her.

    5/5 stars


    Confesso que peguei esse livro pela curiosidade de ler algo ambientado nas tradições judaicas. Acostumadas aos romances cristãos e os sem religião específica queria viver tamém esta nova experiência e me apaixonei.

    Rachel e Jacob têm uma história bem mal resolvida no passado na época que eram adolescentes e fizeram um acampamentos juntos e viveram experiências marcantes. Agora no presente, Jacob reaparece na vida da doce, gentil e decidida Rachel  e nem imagina que vai virar o mundo dos dois de ponta cabeça.

    Eles juntos precisarão organizar um baile de gala e essa reaproximação trará  mágoas do passado a tona e novos sentimentos que ambos precisarão descobrir se querem viver ou não.

    Achei supre fofa a história, me apaixonei pela escrita da autora e virei sua fã...Quero ler tudo dela.

    5/5 estrelas

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