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    Running Wild #ARC Review


    From the internationally bestselling author of The Simple Wild comes the story of a woman at a crossroads in her life, struggling between the safe route and the one that will only lead to more heartbreak.

    Veterinarian Marie Lehr knows unrequited love all too well after pining for her best friend, only to watch him marry another woman. It’s a mistake she will never make again, especially not when she can practically hear the clock ticking on her childbearing years.

    The trouble is, she can’t seem to find anyone who appeals to her even a fraction as much as that burly bush pilot did. Competitive musher Tyler Brady certainly doesn’t, especially not after the heated altercation with the handsome but arrogant, spiteful man.

    Or so she thinks.

    While volunteering at the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, Marie discovers that first impressions may have been false, and her attraction to Tyler is very real. But his heart belongs to someone else, leaving him with nothing to offer but friendship. Marie’s been down this road before and knows how that ends. Yet, no matter how hard she works to keep from falling for Tyler, it seems she’s doomed to follow her own trail once again.


    I don't even know how to start reviewing this book because I rarely fall in love with the heroines of a book and Marie stole my heart since book 1, even though I'm really rooting for the main couple I wanted Marie to find her soulmate too.

    Marie is a caring vet and passionate about animals, she took over her father's clinic after he retired and does the possible and the impossible for whoever she needs her skills. She still hasn't gotten over Jonas' rejection, not because she's still in love with him but because she's been feeling the need to share her pain with someone who loves her.

    Tyler is a mysterious and reserved man devoted to his racing dogs who suddenly appears in Marie's town to compete in the prestigious Iditarod snow race, because of a misunderstanding he and Marie start off on the wrong foot.

    I confess that I picked up the book without reading the synopsis, simply because it was written by K.A. Tucker and is part of the same universe as Simple Wild. But when I started to read it, I was really afraid of the love triangle and the way Tyler acts a little Hot'n cold. The writer handles Tyler and Marie's dilemmas and the ending very well the way I like it even though I thought Marie could have made Tyler suffer a little more LOL.

    If K.A. Tucker writes a story for Steve I won't complain.

    4/5 stars


    Não sei nem como começar a resenhar este livro pois raramente eu me apaixono pelas  heroinas de um livro e Marie roubou meu coração desde o livro 1, mesmo eu torcendo muito pelo casal principal eu queria que Marie encontrasse sua alma gêmea tambem e eis que chegou o momento.

    Marie é uma veterinária cuidadosa e apaixonada por animais, ela assumiu a clínica de seu pai depois que ele se aposentou e faz o possível e o impossível tanto por quem precisa de suas habilidades. Ela ainda não superou a rejeição de Jonas, não porque ainda está apaixonada por ele mas porque vem sentindo a necessidade de compartilhar suas dores com alguem que a ame. 

    Tyler é um misterioso e reservado esportista dedicado a seus cachorros de corrida que aparece de repente na cidade de Marie para competir na prestigiada corrida na neve Iditarod , por causa de um mal entendido ele e Marie começam com o pé esquerdo.

    Confesso que peguei o livro sem ler a sinopse, simplesmente por que foi escrito por K.A. Tucker e faz parte do mesmo universo de Simple Wild. Mas quando comecei a ler fiquei bem receosa com o triângulo amoroso e com a forma de agir de Tyler meio Hot'n cold.  A escritora conduz muito bem os dilemas de Tyler e Marie e o final do jeito que eu gosto apesar de ter achado que Marie podia ter feito Tyler sofrer um pouquinho mais LOL.

    Se K.A. Tucker escrever uma história para Steve eu não vou reclamar.

    4/5 estrelas

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