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    When You Get the Chance #ARC Review


    A bighearted novel about falling in love, making a mess, and learning to let go, from Emma Lord, the New York Times bestselling author of the Reese Witherspoon YA Book Club pick You Have a Match.

    **An Indie Next Pick**

    Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price’s dream of becoming a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super introverted dad, who raised Millie alone since she was a baby. Not her drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. And not her “Millie Moods,” the feelings of intense emotion that threaten to overwhelm. Millie needs an ally. And when an accidentally left-open browser brings Millie to her dad’s embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do—find her mom.

    But how can you find a new part of your life and expect it to fit into your old one without leaving any marks? And why is it that when you go looking for the past, it somehow keeps bringing you back to what you’ve had all along?


    I confess that I took this book just because I knew it was by Emma Lord and because of the cover, I didn't even read the synopsis, but when I realized it was a book inspired by the musical I love, Mamma Mia, I immediately put the soundtrack to listen and I embarked on Millie's journey. The father, the best friend, the archenemy, the aunt added several cherries to this delicious cake.

    I'm so in love!!!!

    At first I thought it was strange that she wanted to find the person who abandoned her as a baby, but little by little I understood her motivations and I really hoped that she would find the mother that best suited her. The three suspects were great and connected very quickly with Millie, with each step taken, I twisted more and more and when everything was revealed my jaw dropped. As in the musical, the best thing is to realize that little by little they all fell in love with the girl and ended up, in a way, becoming her real mother and she began to value what she had and what she conquered.

    Of course, romance could not be missing and the plot is filled with it on every page. In the end, the couples formed yielded a beautiful happy ending with good laughs, sighs and lots of music.

    5/5 stars


    Confesso que peguei esse livro so por saber que era de Emma Lord e por causa da capa , nem li a sinopse, mas quando percebi que era um livro inspirado no musical que amo, Mamma Mia, na mesma hora coloquei a trilha sonora  para ouvir e embarquei na jornada de Millie. O pai, o melhor amigo, o arquiinimigo, a tia acrescentaram várias cerejas a esse delicioso bolo.

    De inicio achei estranho ela querer encontrar a pessoa que a abandonou bebê , mas aos poucos fui entendendo suas motivações e torci muito para que ela encontrasse a mãe que mais combinasse com ela. As três suspeitas eram ótimas e conectaram muito rápido com Millie, a cada passo dado ,eu torcia mais e mais e quando tudo foi revelado fiquei de queixo caído. Assim como no musical , o mais gostoso é perceber que todas aos poucos foram amando a garota e acabam de certa forma se tornando mães dela mesmo e ela começa a dar valor ao que tinha e ao que conquistou.

    Claro que não podia faltar romance e a trama é recheada dele por todas as páginas. No final, os casais formados renderam um lindo final feliz com boas risadas, suspiros  e muita música.

    5/5 estrelas

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