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  • Say You Still Love Me #ARC Review

    The bestselling author of The Simple Wild and Keep Her Safe and “master of steamy romance” (Kirkus Reviews) delivers a sizzling novel about an ambitious and high-powered executive who reconnects with her first love: the boy who broke her heart. 

    Life is a mixed bag for Piper Calloway.

    On the one hand, she’s a twenty-nine-year-old VP at her dad’s multibillion-dollar real estate development firm, and living the high single life with her two best friends in a swanky downtown penthouse. On the other hand, she’s considered a pair of sexy legs in a male-dominated world and constantly has to prove her worth. Plus she’s stuck seeing her narcissistic ex-fiancé—a fellow VP—on the other side of her glass office wall every day.

    Things get exponentially more complicated for Piper when she runs into Kyle Miller—the handsome new security guard at Calloway Group, and coincidentally the first love of her life.

    The guy she hasn’t seen or heard from since they were summer camp counselors together. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks. The guy who apparently doesn’t even remember her name.

    Piper may be a high-powered businesswoman now, but she soon realizes that her schoolgirl crush is still alive and strong, and crippling her concentration. What’s more, despite Kyle’s distant attitude, she’s convinced their reunion isn’t at all coincidental, and that his feelings for her still run deep. And she’s determined to make him admit to them, no matter the consequences.


    Don't be fooled by this romance-filled synopsis between the rich CEO and the poor guy, let alone get carried away by this nostalgic cover full of love. Say You Still Love Me is so much more than that and if it has the signature of K.A. Tucker...OMG.. All the fans should already be preparing for an impactful and surprising plot twist when least expected.

    Piper is a powerful woman who struggles every day to impose herself in the sexist business world. Following in her father's footsteps, she prepares herself to one day take over the company he founded that has become one of the most prosperous and highly regarded in the United States. While battling against a sneaky enemy, she sees again her great lo of the past and finds that she was not emotionally prepared to confront the guy who once broke her heart to pieces.

    Kyle, in the past, was a boy who loved to break the rules and comes from an unconventional family with a foot in the criminal world. Trying to make a living without getting carried away by the bad blood that runs through his veins, he tries to create his own path. What he didn't expect was that as he meets the sweet and witty Piper, his world would once again turn upside down.

    Highlight to Piper's friends, the crazy Zen Ashley, and the controlling and serious Crista who bring a lot of dynamics and funny moments to the plot.

    With a narrative that sucked me in and held me captive till the end, K.A. Tucker brings a tension-filled storyline alternating present and past so the reader can understand what happened in Piper and Kyle's life. A story about true love, forgiveness, new chances, strength and struggle with a super beautiful heartbreaking ending.

    I really liked how she built the story especially the moments of the past, I was just a little frustrated with Kyle's behavior in the present and just didn't understand Piper's obsession with him, but when the real point of conflict comes I was groundless and I understand perfectly the guy's reluctance. I just waited for more dialogue between them so that everything could be resolved, I thought the main scene of reconciliation was a little too fast but that does not spoil the reading.

    5/5 stars


    Não se deixe enganar por esta sinopse com ares de romance entre a CEO rica e o cara pobre, muito menos se deixe levar por esta capa nostálgica cheia de amor. Say You Still Love Me é muito mais que isso e se tem a assinatura de K.A. Tucker os fãs de plantão já se devem se preparar  para uma revira volta impactante e surpreendente quando  menos se espera.

    Piper é uma mulher poderosa que luta a cada dia para se impor no mundo machista dos negócios. Seguindo os passos do pai, ela se prepara para um dia assumir a empresa que ele fundou e se tornou uma das mais prósperas e bem conceituadas dos Estados Unidos. Enquanto luta contra um inimigo  que age na surdida, ela acaba reencontrando seu grande amor do passado e descobre que não estava preparada emocionalmente para que o cara que um dia quebrou seu coração em pedacinhos voltasse a aparecer.

    Kyle,no passado, era um garoto que adorava bular as regras e vem de uma família nada convencional com um pé no mundo do crime. Tentando fazer a vida sem se deixar levar pelo sangue ruim que corre em suas veias , ele desde cedo tenta criar seu próprio caminho.
    O que ele não imaginou era que ao rever a doce e espirituosa Piper que seu mundo iria novamente virar de ponta a cabeça.

    Com uma narrativa que me sugou e prendeu até o fim, K.A. Tucker traz uma trama recheada de tensão alternando presente e passado para que o leitor possa entender o que aconteceu na vida de Piper e Kyle . Uma história sobre o verdadeiro amor, perdão, novas chances, força e luta com um final super lindo de apertar o coração. 

    Destaque para as amigas de Piper, a zen doidinha Ashley e a controladora e invocada Crista que trazem bastante dinâmica e momentos engraçados para a trama.

    Gostei demais de como ela construiu a história principalmente os momentos do passado, só fiquei um pouco frustrada com o comportamento de Kyle no presente e simplesmente não entendia a obsessão de Piper por ele, mas quando real ponto de conflito surge quase cai pra trás e entendi perfeitamente a relutância do cara. Só esperei um pouco mais de diálogo entre eles para que tudo se resolvesse, achei que foi um tanto rápido demais a cena principal de reconciliação mas isso em nada estraga a leitura.

    5/5 estrelas

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