Hello, Cruel Heart #Arc Review
Ages 12 and up
An electric new story of teenage Cruella de Vil in an original novel inspired by the upcoming Walt Disney Studios Live Action Film, Cruella.
Swinging London, Summer 1967. Sixteen-year-old Estella, gifted with talent, ingenuity, and ambition, dreams of becoming a renowned fashion designer. But life seems intent on making sure her dreams never come true. Having arrived in London as a young girl, Estella now runs wild through the city streets with Jasper and Horace, amateur thieves who double as Estella's makeshift family and partners-in-(petty)-crime. How can Estella dedicate herself to joining the ranks of the London design elite when she's sewing endless costumes and disguises for the trio's heists?
When a chance encounter with Magda and Richard Moresby-Plum, two young scions of high society, vaults Estella into the world of the rich and famous, she begins to wonder whether she might be destined for more after all. Suddenly, Estella's days are filled with glamorous parties, exclusive eateries, flirtations with an up-and-coming rock star, and, of course, the most cutting-edge fashions money can buy. But what is the true cost of keeping up with the fast crowd-and is it a price Estella is willing to pay?
There would be no better title for this book than this one because it really is a Hello, just an appetizer of what will come around with the film. In Hello, Cruel Heart we are introduced to a suffering girl reacting to a cruel world where she needs to realize who her real friends are.
Estella has a dream of being a famous stylist and thinks she has found the right people who can help her in this endeavor, but we know that life is not always how we want it to be and people are not always what they seem.
Many tips presented are loose so I hope that the film can clarify these doubts. A short YA, quick to read and in some points very fun, I love the writing by Maureen Johnson and I loved this cover very much.
4/5 stars
Não existiria melhor título para este livro que este porque realmente é um Oi, apenas um aperitivo do que vem por ai com o filme. Nele somos apresentados a uma garota sofrida reagindo a um mundo cruel onde precisa perceber quem são seus verdadeiros amigos.
Estella tem o sonho de ser estilista famosa e pensa que encontrou as pessoas certas que podem ajudá-la nesta empreitada, mas sabemos que a vida nem sempre é como queremos e as pessoas nem sempre são o que parecem.
Muitas pontas apresentadas ficam soltas por isso espero que o filme possa elucidar essas dúvidas. Um YA curto,rápido de ler e em alguns pontos bem divertido, adoro a escrita de Maureen Johnson e amei demais essa capa.
4/5 estrelas